4 reasons to use SAN storage

4 Reasons to Adopt and Use SAN Storage in your Enterprise

In every organization, there is data, and every organization needs a storage solution to keep all that data. However, nowadays, organizations don’t just need a data storage solution, they require something more. They require a data storage solution that can do a lot more with their data and a lot more than just to store data.

So, this is why SAN storage systems can into existence and became immediately so popular as they offer so much more than just data storage.

In this article, we will discuss some of the top 4 reasons for adopting SAN storage for your organization and what can it offer.

Better Disk Utilization with SAN Storage

The number one benefit from installing a SAN storage system is better disk utilization. When all your enterprise’s storage is tied together through a centralized storage network, you gain the exceptional ability to manage everything as a single entity. What this does is that it gives you the ability to slice up the central pool of storage resources at the network level and also assign that storage more intelligently to the servers that really need it.

If this was not possible, you would have to buy tons of space and all that space would go to used until and unless it is being used completely.

Good DR Solution for Multiple Applications with SAN Storage

If you have a lot of critical servers in your data center running applications that at no cost can go down and need to be recovered immediately if a disaster strikes, then you definitely need a SAN storage system.

Although the upfront costs for implementing a SAN storage Disaster Recovery (DR) solution are high, the benefits can be realized in just a single hour if a disaster happens. The cost of downtime is critical in every organizations and no one wants an extensive downtime. A SAN storage or a san-based disaster recovery solution can do wonders as it offers less downtime and keeps the enterprises data safe.

Better Availability with SAN Storage

Applications usually fail because of data becoming corrupted by things going wrong with the disks that are used by the applications. In SAN storage systems, the storage arrays use very good and reliable data protection algorithms which makes sure that your enterprise data always stays consistent. This is how SAN storage systems offer better availability.

Faster Backups with SAN Storage

Another reason to use enterprise SAN solutions is if you want faster backups. Decreasing the time needed to back up huge amounts of data is also one of the major benefits of SAN storage.

Nowadays, hardware-based exact duplicates of data are made almost instantly. These duplicates of data can easily be used as either for backup purposes of your data or as a source for backing up that data to SAN storage. Either way, with SAN storage, you are able to create faster backups than ever before.


In this article, we discussed the top 4 reasons for adopting SAN storage solution. Keep in mind that these are just 4 reasons, there are several other reasons as well. So, adopting SAN storage solutions for your enterprise is always a good idea, whatever the reason may be.