Need for a backup server appliance

The Need for an Appliance for Server Backup

Data is important for any enterprise, especially for those who deal with mission-critical data all the time. And just like data, servers are also important, whether they are Linux Servers or Windows Servers or any other.

With so many threats of data loss, it is only a matter of time before these servers are hit with a ransomware attack, hardware failure, human error or even natural disaster. So, it is best to protect data beforehand before it is too late and an appliance for Server backup does exactly that.

Why Go for an Appliance for Server Backup?

While the threats of data loss are there and the need of backup is necessary, a thought most likely would come to the mind of an IT admin that what do they need an appliance for server backup, or in other words, a Windows Server backup appliance? Well, the answer is quite simple and that is performance.

Windows Server appliances and other data backup appliances offer a lot performance when it comes to scheduling and completing backup jobs than traditional or cloud backups offer. With high-end processors and hardware, backup jobs are completed a lot quicker and enterprises have the option to upgrade performance and storage thanks to thanks to these appliances being very scalable.

Other than this, it is an all to one solution which provides a backup software which comes with many Plus features and also backup target storage as well. So, appliance for server backup is an all in one solution.

Why is an Appliance for Server Backup is Needed?

The answer to this question is quite simple. To tackle the emerging threats of data loss, an appliance for Server backup is needed for an enterprise.

Otherwise, there would be no protection of enterprise data and enterprises would fall victim to data loss. The hyperconverged servers are equipped with dozens of features such as WORM storage, 

Data loss comes in many forms that is; ransomware attacks, hardware failure, natural disasters and even human errors so having enterprise data backed up in a safe location can do an enterprise wonders and can help them recover data in any event of data loss and help them stay operational.


Appliance for Windows Server backup is essential nowadays as there are so many sources and reasons for data loss, and any enterprise that has mission-critical data, cannot afford not to protect their data. So, in order to avoid any data loss, Windows Server backup appliance is a must as ransomware and data loss can target Windows Server also.

StoneFly offers Windows Server backup appliances and backup and disaster recovery appliances that offer a lot more than data protection. With added features such as data deduplication, advanced encryption, snapshots and a lot more, StoneFly backup and DR appliances provide a complete data protection solution to enterprises that use them.